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Dear Friend,

Access Israel is promoting accessibility in Israel for more than 15 years. Our goal is to enable people with all kinds of disabilities to live their lives safely as equals, with dignity and maximum independence.

Following your interest to make a donation to Access Israel and to become a partner in our operation, we would like to thank you and ensure that your donation will be put to good use and help us to make Israel a better place for all.

How to donate:

U.S. tax deductible contributions to:

P.E.F. Israel Endowment Funds., Inc.
630 Third Avenue, 15TH Floor

New York NY 10017 USA

Please include a letter of recommendation that the contribution is designated to Access Israel # 58-0341204). All checks must be made payable to P.E.F. Israel Endowment Funds. In addition, P.E.F. does not accept contributions under $25.00.

If you do not require a U.S Deductible donation, donations can be made via post to:
Access Israel, P.o.Box 5171, Kfar Saba, 4415101, Israel
Or by a bank transfer to:
Bank Name: Bank Hapoalim
Account Name: Access Israel
(IBAN) IL170-12626-00000004-17760

Your contribution is greatly appreciated.


Michal Rimon, Adv.
Executive Director

הירשמו לנגישון והשארו מעודכנים
תשאירו מייל עכשיו ונדאג שתשארו מעודכנים כל הזמן
