As a part of a tradition that has taken roots in the last few years, the Access Israel organization led the “Feeling Accessibility” awareness event for the students of Kinneret College in the Jordan Valley on 22/05/2019
On a day of extreme heat wave, the participants experienced how people manage and live with different disabilities.

During the event experiential stations that simulate different disabilities were operated:
A station that simulates physical disability, in which the students had to go through a course filled with a variety of obstacles from everyday life by use of a wheelchair. A station that simulates visual disability, in which the students experienced walking through an obstacle course while wearing a blindfold and using a walking stick. A station that simulates hearing disability, which was operated by a deaf instructor and a sign language translator and consisted of attempting to convey messages through basic phrases in sign language with ears plugged. And a station that simulates motoric disability in which the participants tried to write and draw without use of their fingers.
The stations were operated by instructors with disabilities from the Access Israel organization alongside volunteers from Access Israel North (A.I.N) under the supervision of Dr. Revital Schwartz- Svirsky and Giora Lev. Along with the stations, the instructors also shared their personal stories which the listeners fascinating.

A special assisting element was the students of the S.P.A cell (Students Promoting Accessibility) of Kineret College, which escorted, experienced, and swept everyone along with their excitement for the sake of this touching event.
Many students, filled with curiosity and social involvement, came to the collage’s main building where the event was taking place and contributed with their interest and questions to the special atmosphere in the area.