Access Israel participated and led various events this month.
Access Israel led three sessions at the Virtual Zero Project Conference, which usually takes place at the United Nations Building in Austria. This year’s conference focused on “Inclusive Employment and ICT” and Access Israel organized and led sessions on “Challenges and Technological Solutions of Inclusive Employment during COVID-19”, “Let’s Dream” and “The Employment Cycle- an Experiential Perspective”. Moreover, Access Israel was invited to participate at the “Ambassador’s Circle” of the Zero Project. In addition, Yuval Wagner was invited to participate at the session on “Leading Technologies for an accessible world” and “Seeing AI”. The sessions were a great success and Access Israel is honored to actively participate at the Zero Project Conference. For more information on the Zero Project, click here.
In addition, Michal Rimon was invited to speak at the event on “Ready, Willing & Able: Disability Advocacy in Israel” organized by the Jewish Federations of North America in honor of the Jewish Disability Awareness Month. At the event Michal Rimon spoke about Access Israel’s new project “Accessible Future” which works to ensure that technologies will be accessible from day one.
To watch the recording of the video, please click here

During the month of February, FAISR (Friends of Access Israel) have organized a series of inspirational lectures to raise awareness for accessibility and inclusion. At the lecture series various interesting and inspiring people spoke such as: Yuval Wagner, founder of Access Israel; Michal Rimon, CEO of Access Israel, Alan Brown, Director of New Partnerships at the Christopher Reeve Foundation; Pascal Berkovitch, Paralympic champion; Judge Richard Bernstein, Supreme Court Judge in Michigan and many more. The series has been very successful with many school classes participating in the event. To register to the lecture series, click here.
Access Israel is happy to close another busy month with many successful events.