The Caesarea Antiquities National Park presents a cultural continuity of 2,500 years of history, and therefore it is a site of national and international importance. The site preserves values of nature, landscape and historic legacy, and cultivates them for the coming generations.

Major Centers of Interest
- The Theater site
- The Roman theater
- The reef palace
- Display – “Caesarea Experience”
- Archaeological park
- The Hippodrome site
- Hippodrome, reconstructed frescoes and an ancient lavatory
- Bath house
- Sea-Shore promenade
- The Old City and Port
- The Crusader gate
- Display – “Time Travel”
- The port and the old city
- The Nymphaeum
- The Sculptures Park east of the site
Activities for the General Public
- Candelight night tours
- Guided tours by the “Gan-Kehila” (“Park-Community”) volunteers
Accessibility Details
In the Caesarea National Park adaptations to make the site accessible to people with disabilities are being made. Adaptations currently in place include:
- The Roman Theater area
- restroom
- archeological garden
- site model
- promontory palace
- hippodrome and the beach promenade leading to the port
- the ancient city including ancient monuments
Contact us
Phone: 04-6267080 Fax: 04-6262056