דלג לתוכן הראשי


Alyssa Fletcher, Parkland Shooting survivor, speaks about moving forward

Category: Access Israel News

Jamie Lassner, the General Director of FAISR (Friends of Access Israel) interviewed Alyssa who survived the shooting in the Douglas High School in 2018, and spoke about keeping a positive outlook during challenging times

Alyssa speak about her experience during the shooting and how she managed to keep going and even create some good out of this horrible experience. After the shooting Alyssa and other students organized a run in honor of their coach that they lost in the shooting and today, they are organizing a virtual run with all proceeds going to COVID-19 relief.

Speaking about the current pandemic and the challenges that it creates, Alyssa shares her thought on how to stay positive and make every day the best that it can be. Alyssa’s advice is to ” Stay true to yourself, keep learning about your passion and what your purpose in life is, get some hands on experience and keep learning”. Further she says to take advantage of the time and learn new skills and stay active to “make yourself feel stronger and healthier, inside and outside”.

Alyssa believes that being kind, do random acts of kindness, being grateful and giving back to the community, makes you feel better and makes your community stronger.

Watch the full interview with Alyssa below.

Friends of Access Israel (FAISR) is an organization established in 2019 with the goal to promote accessibility and inclusion for people with disabilities and the elderly in the United States by sharing and promoting Access Israel’s best practices and experience gathered over the years. All this with the goal to create a society that leaves no one behind.  

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Alyssa Fletcher, Parkland Shooting survivor

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