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2020 – Award for best practice by the Zero Project for the “Teacher Training” for accessible and inclusive education. (Austria)

2019 – The Seal of Effectiveness for Social Activism – Awarded to Access Israel by ‘Midot’, which gives the award to non-profit organizations and projects whose activities bring about significant impact and change in the society and are managed with transparency and efficiency.

2018 – Bronze Lion – Awarded at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity to Leo Burnett Israel, Access Israel advertising company, for the “People, Not Symbols” campaign, produced pro bono for “Access Israel” to eliminate the phenomenon of disabled parking offenders

2018 – “Honorary Award” – The Academic Institute Rupin awarded Access Israel and Yuval Wagner with an “Honorary Award” for the work on improving the lives of people with disabilities. (Israel)

2018 – Zero Project Award 2018 on Accessibility – For developing a buisness model for training service providers regarding accessibility issues. The prize was awarded during the Zero Project International Conference held at the UN headquarters in Vienna

2017 – Henry Viscardi Achievement Award – Yuval Wagner, Founder and President of Access Israel, was awarded the international award in New York, for ‘Access Israel’ activities toward promoting accessibility, generating positive sympathy, raising awareness and thus improving the quality of life of people with disabilities

2017 – Best innovative practice – The award was presented to “Access Israel” at the Zero Project Conference  for the “pay it forward in sign language” project, Providing workshops that introduce participants to people who are deaf and hearing impaired and teach basic sign language.

2016 – Best practice in Urban Accessibility, UN DESA (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York) – for the project “Help Me Help You” training for accessible service in municipalities. The award was presented to “Access Israel” at the UN Habitat III Convention

2016 – “integration award” – in recognition of projects for integrating people with disabilities in society. The award was presented to “Access Israel” at a ceremony held during the IN convention

2015 – City Corporations mark

2014 – Mark of Excellence for improving social security – Sderot civil service and friendship conference

2012 – Presidential Award for Voluntarism – Yuval Wagner – for his work in building and site accessibility and technological developments for people with disabilities.

2011 – Award from the Rick Hansen Foundation in Canada, “Different Makers”, for global excellence in creating accessibility.

2011 – Award from The Fishman Group Networks , for a decade in action for accessibility

2010 – One of the Hundred of the most effective and positive people/organizations for TheMarker magazine in Haaretz newspaper.

2009 – Leonore and Larry Sussman Award – JDC (Joint Israeli) for Excellence in the development of services for disabled people and their integration into society for 2009, on behalf of the JDC Israel [1]

2009 – Award of recognition from the Israeli Building Center.

2007 – Golden Cactus Award , for Best Campaign and Best Creative Advertising Idea for 2007

2006 – Award for Leading Social Innovation – Globes and Schwab Foundation, the International Economic Forum

2004 – Award of recognition from the business club “Wings of Gold” – for their social project

Access Israel wins Social Entrepreneurship Award

Israel Business Conference - December 2006.
In the picture you can see: two palms of elderly people shaking hands like they do in business conversations

The “Globes” 2006 Social Entrepreneurship award was awarded last night at the opening session of the Israel Business Conference to Wagner for his work in Access Israel, a non-profit organization working to promote accessibility and the integration of people with disabilities into Israeli society with dignity, equality and maximal independence.

Accepting the award Wagner said, “There are 200,000 people in Israel with severe disabilities. I want all of us to be able to lead normal lives, to be able to work, for all of us to be equal”.

Wagner called upon the business community to become join the effort and work to make businesses accessible and employ more people with disabilities.

Wagner added that “It can happen to anyone.”

National media coverage of the event below:

Access Israel Wins Campaign of the Year Award

The prestigious Golden Cactus 2007 Best Campaign Award. 
In the picture you can see: a gold-colored cactus bush.

Geller-Nessis advertising agency’s campaign for Access Israel has won the prestigious Golden Cactus 2007 Best Campaign Award. The campaign for a small non-profit surprised the industry by beating campaigns for commercial giants who have won the award every year so far. 

The campaign’s power and uniqueness were achieved primarily by casting the presenter, Prof. Stephen Hawking. The campaign is also noted for its graphic simplicity and for the text written for Hawking, one of the prominent minds of our generation. 

In the campaign, Hawking, who speaks by twitching a cheek muscle which controls a word processor voice synthesizer, says: “In twenty years Man may be able to live on the Moon. In forty years we may be able to get to Mars. In the next 200 years we may be able to leave the solar system and head for the stars. But meanwhile, meanwhile we would like to go to the supermarket, the cinema and restaurants…” 

To download the clip and read more on the campaign click here and here.

To read coverage of the award in Ha’aretz daily click here

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