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The winners of the Access Israel Prize named after Simcha Lustig 2018

Category: Access Israel News

Unfortunately there is still a long way to until the world is fully accessibie, therefore places, businesses and organizations that make an effort to create accessibility for people with disabilities should be praised for their work.

The family Lustig and ‘Access Israel’ present every year a prize, named after Simcha Lustig, to highlight the ones who make this effort.

The prize awards projects which contribute to the promotion of accessibility in Israel, the improvement of the quality of life and the inclusion of people with disabilities into society.

In preparation for the Access Israel conference 2018, the award committee looked at dozens of inspiring projects. The decision was difficult and at the end the committee decided on four winners.

This year for the first time, two of the winners (instead of one) won a full scholarship for the trip to the important Zero Project conference at the United Nations Headquarters in Vienna in February 2019.

The winners are:

“The Council 4U” – Hevel Modiin Regional Counil

The digital bus brings the service of the Regional Council of Hevel Modiin to the scattered residents, and therefore brings an original and important solution for residents with disabilities and elderly residents for whom it is difficult to get to the different offices. We hope that this prize will lead to the adoption of this project by other additional regional councils and authorities in Israel.

Accepted the prize: Ilan Kuperstein – The representative of the Regional Council Hevel Modiin.

The winners of the Access Israel Prize named after Simcha Lustig 2018

User Accessibility

User Accessibility offers a solution to the needs of people with disabilities to surf online on websites that were not made accessible for everyone. We hope that this prize will lead to a more accessible and global world online.

Accepted the prize: Tuvia Sheinfeld

The winners of the Access Israel Prize named after Simcha Lustig 2018

Technology Support Helpline- Migdal Or Organization

Migdal Or is dedicated to advance the life of people with blindness or visual disabilities and enable them to be more independent. The Technology Support Helpline is an innovative project and the first one like this in the world which provides support for people with visual disabilities in the digital world.

Accepted the prize: Tanya Lif, Orit Tobol, Nir Sadeh and Tammy Tiery

The winners of the Access Israel Prize named after Simcha Lustig 2018

Beethoven Touchable Sounds

A musical performance made accessible for children with hearing disabilities and deaf children, making the sounds visible and touchable- the Israeli Chamber Orchestra.

This is the first project that allows deaf children and children with hearing disabilities to experience classical music in an accessible, enjoyable and inspiring way.

Accepted the prize: Rinar Avishar and Yoram Lakish.

The winners of the Access Israel Prize named after Simcha Lustig 2018

The winners of the trip to the Zero Project Conference are: ‘The Council is on your way’ – The digital and accessible bus and “User Accessibility”.

Congratulations to all the winners!

The winners of the Access Israel Prize named after Simcha Lustig 2018

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