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Two Accessible Attractions for the Summer Time

Agamon Hula (The Hula Pond)

The Agamon Hula Tourism Park, situated in the heart of the Hula Valley is considered one of the world’s most prominent bird-watching sites. At the park you can follow and observe migrating, courting and nesting birds, as well as other animals according to seasonal variation. A magical lake at the heart of the site allows you to experience nature without cages or partitions.

Approx. 8.5 km (5.3 miles) of trail encircles Agamon Hula, which you can experience on mountain bikes, multi-passenger bicycles and club carts, by touring the park’s magical trials, among fruit groves and waterways. You can rest at one of the park’s well-shaded picnic groves. Along the trail, there are three observation points where our guides will be happy to provide you with information.

Join A Guided Tour In A Tractor-Drawn “SafariWagon” – This amazing tour enters deep into the Agamon’s premises and allows for maximum proximity to flocks of cranes and other bird species (Seasonal).

The Hula Valley Ringing Station – You are invited for a close view of the bird ringing and research being conducted on site. Become acquainted with lesser known species, witness the miracles of both large and small bird migration, see the birds from a touching distance… and release them to freedom. Reservation in advance is required

Awaking with the Birds – an unforgettable experience of (sun) rising with nature to a new day of activity in Agamon Hula. The tour includes short hiking, morning coffee and cake.

Wise Night Owls – A fascinating journey into the Agamon Hula nightlife, peeking at the lives of jungle cats, tracing barn-owls and other nocturnal raptors and observing fruit bats. The tour includes short hiking, star gazing, a campfire and light refreshments.

Phone No. +972-(0)4-681-7137    Fax No. +972-(0)4-681-7137


Accessibility: Owners of Disabled Badges – By calling ahead (to the above number) you can tour the Agamon via your vehicle. The site is fully accessible and includes three fully accessible bathrooms and a comfortable observatory (Pellican Observatory). The visitor’s center (Lobby) is accessible to people with mobility disabilities as well.

The Seabell (Pa’amonit Hayam)

The Seabell is a yacht docked at Eilat which is unique in its accessibility. The yacht is equipped with a hydraulic ramp that lowers divers into the water or to one of the three decks. The yacht can house up to 120 passengers, 25 of them with wheelchairs. Boarding the yacht is done via an accessible bridge, with handles, that can be extended to the Seabell. The cabins include accessible showers and bathrooms along with an accessible elevator to allow movement between decks.

Phone Number: 057-8809213

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