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Yuval Wagner is 1 of Top 20 Disabled People With a Global Voice Everyone Must Follow / Newz Hook

Category: Access Israel News

From advocates to artists, from lawyers and models, from doctors to judges, it is time to realise that people with disabilities are so much more! Here is Newz Hook’s list of the 20 Disabled People with a Global Voice you must follow.

Yuval Wagner, Disabled Accessibility Evangelist

A former Israeli Air Force combat pilot, Yuval Wagner was paralysed in an air crash and became a wheelchair user. This brought him face to face with the lack of accessibility in Israel for people with disabilities. He started Access Israel, a non-profit that works for accessibility to people with all types of disabilities. The aim is to allow people with physical, sensory, mental and cognitive disabilities to live a full and active life with dignity, respect, equality, safety and maximal independence. He tweets @yuvalwag

Greta Thunberg, Disabled climate change advocate

Just 17, Greta Thunberg is a powerful global voice in the space of climate change. Greta, who is on the autism spectrum, has called out many world leaders and countries for not taking a strong enough position on the crisis. In response to her outspoken stance, various politicians have acknowledged the need to focus on climate change. Follow her on Twitter @GretaThunberg

Alice Wong, Disabled Activist

Alice Wong, is the Founder-Project Coordinator of Disability Visibility Project, that collects oral histories of people with disabilities in the United States. Alice, who has spinal muscular atrophy, is also a strong voice in the advocacy space in her role as advisory board member for Asians and Pacific Islanders with Disabilities of California (APIDC). From 2013-15 she was the presidential appointee to the National Council on Disability, which advises the president, Congress, and other federal agencies on disability policies, programmess, and practices. Check her out @SFdirewolf

James LeBrecht, Disabled Filmmaker

James LeBrecht was the toast of 2020 for the American documentary film Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution. The documentary has touched many hearts with its portrayal of a 1971 summer camp for disabled teens. LeBrecht has over 35 years of experience as a film and theatre sound designer and mixer. He linked up with co-director Nicole Newnham to share his experiences in the camp. Follow him @JimLeBrecht

Asha Patwal, Disabled Student

“We are a tiny spark that can set the nation on fire”. These compelling words by Asha Patwal, deafblind student from Dehradun resonated the world over. Asha, 16 years old, was one of the top three winners of the United Nations World Data Forum contest in 2020. In her video, Asha made a strong case for the inclusion of people with deafblindness in the Census. There are over 6.5 million people with deafblindness in India and yet their presence is not reflected in the Census. Follow her story on @senseindia.

To the full article and list – click here

Yuval Wagner is 1 of Top 20 Disabled People With a Global Voice Everyone Must Follow / Newz Hook

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