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Access Israel has launched its annual fundraising campaign at April 17th in cooperation with Shufersal

Category: Access Israel News

Every day one and a half million Israeli citizens, thousands of them children, face every day difficulties trying to get to work or school, shopping, communication, public transportation and even just sitting at home with a nice hot cup of coffee

Between April 17th to the 27th any Shufersal shopper will be offered to pay an extra two shekels, or more, at the register in proceeds to Access Israel and support the promotion of a fully accessible country and the integration of people with disabilities fully into society.

All proceeds will go towards:

1. Making public sites fully accessible

2. Promoting social equality between people with and without disabilities

3. Developing education programs and content to relay accessibility to students and pupils

4. Raising awareness of the need for accessibility to law makers, bussinesses, architects, civil services and more.

5. Promoting technological and online accessibility.

6. Hosting events for bussinesses about providing accessible service.

7. Improving professional knowledge of accessibility amongst architets, engineers and designers.

8. Promoting and improving service to people with disabilities.

9. Continued operation of the Access Israel website which provides critical information to people with disabilities and their family members.

10. Responding, and taking care of, to accessibility complaints we receive via the website.

And more…

For a list of all of Shufersal’s stores

Click here to donate directly, and securly, to Access Israel

• Click here to Round Up for Access Israel’s benefit

Access Israel has launched its annual fundraising campaign at April 17th in cooperation with Shufersal

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