A county-wide enforcement day against disabled-parking offenders – “Not Disabled – Don’t Park” – a yearly event under the auspices of Access Israel organization with the cooperation of Israel Police Traffic Department, was held this year on Thursday 31/10/2013
Dedicated disabled-parking is a critical issue for tens of thousands of handicapped persons, for whom available disabled-parking is of utmost importance in enabling them to reach their destination.
Sadly, there are a great many offenders. Some spout a variety of inane explanations and excuses; others just illegally use a family member’s legitimate badge.
There are other problems to be addressed, such as the marking of disabled parking spaces dedicated to wheelchair lift vans, spaces adjacent to sidewalk that need to be wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair lift, a more accurate definition of the criteria for granting disabled-parking badges, and more.
The Access Israel association is working with other organizations and authorities, both in the Knesset and vis-à-vis the Ministry of Transport towards a revision in these areas.
This article was translated voluntary by Ilan Elron