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Accessible Attractions in the city of Eilat

Eilat is one of the most visited cities of Israel, especially during the summer season, and Access Israel reviewed two popular locations in the city for you

Eilat’s Underwater Observatory

Location: Almog (Coral) Beach

Phone Number: 08-6364200

· Marked Disabled Parking Spaces: Three (3)

· Pathway from Parking to Registers/Entrance: Horizontal

· Register: The register is fully accessible and has an Induction Loop in place

· Main Entrance: Accessible and can allow wheel chair passage

· Accessible Bathrooms (2 Locations):

    – By the oceanarium: The door opens outside (Pull), Operational Handles, Room Size: 160x150cm, There’s no room to place wheelchair next to the toilet (65cm)

    – By the rare fish aquarium: The door opens outside (Pull), Folding handle, no L-shaped handle, Room Size: 220x175cm, There’s room by the toilet for a wheelchair

· Other Aid Accesories: Groups are led by a guide with a microphone.

· On Site Accessibility:

○ A large, underwater venue. Moving between points of interest is done via wide and tiled straight paths with some minor inclines with handles on both sides, comfortable wooden paths.

○ The venue holds 10 points of interest (activity, observance, etc.) – 8 points are accessible: Aquarium, Shark Pool, Turtle and Catfish Pool, Snorkel Pool, Petting and Feeding area, Dam Pools, Rare Fish Aquarium. the Amazonas. 2 points are not fully accessible: Red Sea Reef – 10 stairs with handles, Observatory Tower – 90 spiral steps.

○ Underwater Observatory: People with mobility disabilities can access the venue via an accessible elevator that can only be operated by a staff member.

○ Oceanarium: A special theater with moving chairs. There is stationary space for a wheelchair user next to the moving chairs, all viewers are provided headphones.

○ The Observatory has: An Info stand, Cafeteria, Photo shop and Gift shop all of which are accessible.

○ Large and clear signs at all points of interest throughout the site.

Eilat’s Dolphin Reef

Location: South (Dromi) Beach – Eilat

Phone Number: 08-6300111

· Marked Disabled Parking Spaces: Two (2)

· Pathway from Parking to Registers/Entrance: Pressed dirt road, mostly horizontal a few small inclines

· Register: The register is lowered however has no iduction loop 

· Main Entrance: Accessible and can allow wheel chair passage

· Accessible Bathrooms (1 Locations): Door opens inward (Push), no properly regulated handles – a non regulation handle is installed, Room Size: 200x120cm, No toilet-side room for a wheelchair (60cm)

· Other Aid Accesories: A special balloon-wheeled chair to allow access to the water. A special diving gear carrier so a person with a disability can dive. All dives are done with a guide.

· On Site Accessibility:

○ A dolphin observation, swimming and diving park.

○ The site has accessible, straight, wooden ramps that lead to several piers. You can observe the dolphins from the piers and you can also receive diving gear (after an introduction and explanation from the guide) and dive with the dolphins.

○ Dressing Rooms/Showers: A pressed dirt road leads to the structure that houses the dressing/showering rooms. A large room for multiple showers, along with an 80cm wide dressing room with wooden door and bench inside.

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